Grandma and I have a very grumpy boy on our hands. He has every right to be ticked off, but I have never seen him this upset after surgery before and my heart is breaking more than I thought it would. He isn't sleeping as I had hoped. It's more cat napping than anything. I don't know if he is in pain from surgery or if he is just mad that he can't move his legs. I am sure it is some combination of the two. The nurses are doing a good job of keeping his pain meds on schedule. How I wish he could tell me so I would know what to do. He's keeping us on our toes as we try to figure out new ways to comfort him. Most of the time, his favorite toy, his dog Scout quiets him down by singing and talking to him. We were able to download Hayden's name into the dog so that Scout can use Hayden's name in songs and when he talks. It is completely adorable and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Scout! When that doesn't work, I can usually calm him down by reciting his favorite book, How Do Dinosaurs Love their Cats? I made sure to memorize that book before we left Iowa. I just hope the book and Scout can get him though this. Momma isn't that creative, especially with very little sleep.
Thankfully, surgery went well and all the surgeon had to do at this time was to cut his left adductor muscle (groin muscle). No bone shaving, so no body (Spica) cast, yay! While he is sleeping, I am going to close my eyes,too. Hopefully, he will finally get some good sleep. For the next 3 weeks, Hayden's going to have these big old green legs...
Nick had a great time on his first day of school! Can't wait to see him this weekend to hear all about it.
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