Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nick's Opthamologist Appointment

Getting the boys fed, dressed, and out the door by 7:30 am is a challenge, especially when you have to do it by yourself.  Tony had to work and Nick needed to be at the ophthalmologist today at 8:00am.  We stopped by and picked up my mom.  Thankfully, she was able to go with us since it was going to be a long appointment because he had to have his eyes dilated.  I tried to get him to cooperate with the eye drops by telling him that he was getting eye drops like Hayden.  Sometimes, when I give Hayden eye drops, Nicholas lays down on the floor so he can have eye drops, too.  I was hoping that since he likes to pretend, maybe it would work.  No such luck.  Once they were finally in, we waited in another area with toys for him to play with.  There was a neat Thomas the Train train set that he really enjoyed playing with.  It was so cute to see him signing train when he saw it.  I tried to get him to try to say train, but no luck with that either.  Oh well, he was enjoying himself. 

Nothing new came from the eye exam.  His retinas still look fine even though one is still dragging a little.  His eyeglass prescription stayed the same.  I was worried that it would get worse like it did the last time.  Nick's glasses had broken yet again a few days before the exam, so our next stop was the eyeglass store to get him 2 new pairs of glasses. 

There wasn't much to choose from.  I picked two slightly different pairs (thank goodness we have vision insurance this year), so there would always be a back up.  We finally got home at lunch time.  We were all tired, hungry, and thankful that nothing had changed with Nick's eyes.

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