Sunday, May 30, 2010

May Update

I never knew that the boys turning 3 would make us even busier than normal.  There was a lot to do to get ready for preschool in August!  Hayden had more visitors than usual.  Some of the people he would be working with at preschool came to meet him and talk to us so they could be more prepared for Hayden when he entered school.  One of the occupational therapists he will work with came and even the school nurse came to our house so we could discuss his medical condition before he gets to school.  Both boys had hearing tests which they passed.  We weren't worried about Hayden's, but were preparing ourselves for Nicholas's results to show something because of his speech delay.  Thankfully, both were ok.  Whew!  In the middle of the month, we had both IEP meetings at school.  Nick's was short and sweet since only vision and speech are involved and there were only 4 people besides us there.  Hayden's meeting had about 12 people there besides us and took over 2 hours.  It was an exhausting day!  Hopefully, we don't have to do it very often. 

May was really all about therapy and preschool.  We did celebrate the boys' 3rd birthday.  I write about that next time.  The great thing was that there was only 1 doctor appointment...a 3 year well check.  Hayden keeps pulling ahead of Nick in the weight area.  They are 4 pounds apart now!  More good news at the well check.  Instead of seeing the pediatrician every 6 months, both boys only need to go yearly now!!!! 

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