Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3rd Birthday Already?!

Happy Birthday to Our Wonder Twins!

How can it be possible that you are 3 already?  It seems like only yesterday when Daddy and I were at your bedsides in the NICU just praying and bargaining with God that we would be blessed enough to be celebrating both of you on your 1st birthday.  Here we are 3 years later, more blessed than we ever imagined we would be.  Hard to believe boys who started out as tiny and fragile as this:

Hayden Michael  20 oz.  11.5 in long

Nicholas Anthony  22oz.  11.5 in long

Now look like this:

We had both sides of the family to our house for the celebration.  Luckily, it was a beautiful day outside so those who wanted could spend time outside keeping Daddy company at the grill since our house isn't really big enough to accommodate many people.  The boys received wonderful gifts that were thoughtfully chosen, especially Hayden's gifts. We are blessed to have so such wonderful family!  I don't know what we'd do without them.  Since it's not always easy to get to a park-even though we live right by one-we decided that the boys needed a swing set.  We knew Nicholas would love it and thought that maybe Hayden would like swinging now that his belly seems to feel somewhat better on the new food.  Last fall, Hayden's physical therapist, Kristi, brought him over a special swing that another family gave her to give to someone who could use it since her son had long outgrown it.  We are very thankful that she thought of Hayden.  So, a couple of months ago Daddy and Nicholas went swing set shopping.  Aunt Brandi, Uncle Curt, and Grandma Smith were wonderful enough to help put it together while Grandma Brumer and Great-Grandma Van Deventer took care of the boys.  I was lucky enough to get to go back and forth between them all.  Here is a photo of it just before we finished it.  Looks like the glider, Hayden's swing,and the rock wall are yet to be installed.  Guess we were so happy to be finished putting the thing together that we forgot to take a picture of it all done.

As we guessed, it is a huge hit.  Nicholas loves the slide!  We crack up every time he goes down because he says, "Wheeeeee!"  He is a pro at the rock wall, too.  We will be spending a ton of time out here this summer.  Good news is that Hayden likes his swing, too.  Can't wait for summer!!!!

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